Commonly Ignored Feature #8: Quick Simulations

I really like these CIFs, I really wanted to do these more often – the plan was twice a week. But the problem is, I’ve run out of things that people usually don’t know about :)

Anywho, here’s a little hidden gem I remembered recently:
Quick Fur/Fluid/Smoke/Explode



As far as I know, there is no shortcut to these operators, nor do they appear anywhere in the interface (nor can I think of a good place to put them). The only way to find them is to search for them in the Spacebar menu.

These four functions are simply a quick way to set up a basic simulation. Each of them have some options you can adjust in the lower part of the toolbar, or in the F6 popup.


Honestly though, I’ve never actually used these. Old habits die hard perhaps? :P



Volume Test

volume_spot (1)

A long time ago in a version far far away, an anonymous user named ‘storm’ wrote a patch for volumetric rendering in cycles.

Recently, Thomas and Stuart (them crazy coder guys) made some changes and cleanups to the code – meaning it’s possible to download a patch, compile Blender and render some volumes!

Don’t get too excited just yet though, in it’s current state there’s no way to give it any fancy voxel textures from the smoke simulator or anything – all in due time!


Images courtesy of Thomas Dinges, because I’m too lazy to compile it myself