Code Navigation Addon


Although I know most serious coders prefer to use an external text editor, I’m still surprised nothing like this already existed.

It’s a simple overview of all the classes and functions in the current text file, with a button to jump to the start of that code block. I’ve also included a ‘Hide Built-in’ toggle to hide all the execute, poll, invoke, draw and other built-in functions that are really common and clog up the UI


Unfortunately, there’s currently no way to actually set the current line of the text editor with any python command, so this is a bit of a hack using the Find operator. I’ve tried to handle any kind of bugs that could pop up because of this (especially where functions have the same name (eg: draw, execute…)), but if you run into anything, let me know and I’ll see what I can do about it.

And in related news:

Nathan Letwory hacked a sidebar bird view together last night (still working on it). At this rate, we’ll have Sublime functionality in no time! :)

Batch Renamer




I’ve had this one for a while now, but it’s been a mess of slightly working code until recently – but now I like to think it’s unbreakable! (yes, that’s a challenge)

It’s a simple renaming tool meant for a bunch of similar objects. All it will do is rename them to something consistent with incrementing numbers (name_01, name_02, name_03…)

You have control over the starting number and the sorting of the objects, and that’s about all you need really. I have considered doing something more complicated with bones and left/right versions and whatever, but I seldom need such a thing anyway.

Here’s an explanation of each item in the interface:


Get base-name: (first icon-button at the top left) Sets the base-name to that of the active object (stripping it of any numbering it already has)

Base-name: What to name the objects as (base_name_01, base_name_02….)

Rename: The big button to do the renaming

Advanced: Show all the options and controls

Separator: How to separate the base name and the numbers (name_01, name.01, name-01 or any separator of your choice, doesn’t have to be a single letter)

Padding: The number of digits in the numbering, adding trailing zeros to fill the space (name_01, name_001 or name_0001…) – Auto mode will figure out how many objects are selected and thus how much padding is needed. Manual mode will allow you to choose how much padding you want, but will increase it automatically if it’s not enough. None mode will not add any trailing zeroes.

Start Number: Begin naming the objects with number starting from here.

Continued Numbering: (ellipse icon just to the right of the start number) Increase the start number every time you rename objects such that you can carry on numbering from where you left off last. I suggest you use Manual padding for this one, since if the total number of objects renamed goes above the next level of padding (above 100 for example) then there will be inconsistent padding (name_05, name_89, name_134 – different amount of digits)

Sorting: How to sort the objects, by location, scale or dimensions. Dimensions is useful to use as a “visual” scale – think 1000 rocks of different sizes but all with 1.0 scaling.

Sorting Axis: In which direction to sort them – on one of the axes or on the average of them (‘All’)?

Reverse: Flip the order of the sorting, E.g: go right-to-left instead of left-to-right


And that’s it!

Please rip it to shreds. Find any bugs, suggest any features. And if you feel like it, I’d appreciate a code-review too.

Volume Test

volume_spot (1)

A long time ago in a version far far away, an anonymous user named ‘storm’ wrote a patch for volumetric rendering in cycles.

Recently, Thomas and Stuart (them crazy coder guys) made some changes and cleanups to the code – meaning it’s possible to download a patch, compile Blender and render some volumes!

Don’t get too excited just yet though, in it’s current state there’s no way to give it any fancy voxel textures from the smoke simulator or anything – all in due time!


Images courtesy of Thomas Dinges, because I’m too lazy to compile it myself