For the Sheep


Here’s a post by quollism on a thread on BA discussing funding a UI coder (or 20). It’s a long read, but definitely worth it (or if you’re lazy, see the tldr at the end):

As a working software developer who read “Don’t Make Me Think” years before Andrew Price did as part of my job, let’s have a sober assessment of this UI proposal.

There’s a lot of good ideas in here. This is a much kinder program to use than the Blender we currently have. The tabs could work, I’d rather have the notifications panel than the damn outliner, and I could probably live without RMB select as long as I can keep MMB for camera view because it rocks. (In fact, I could probably do without single-click 3D cursor placement entirely.) There’s a fair bit of stuff in here that would be relatively trivial to implement.

But overall what’s being proposed is frankly a way more expensive program to develop and maintain. We are never going to see this in a hundred years from the Blender Foundation with its current level of development resources. Something this richly helpful is going to be difficult to keep giving people free of charge.

Continue Reading…

SSS on GPU… works?

Mail from Thomas today:

“…with latest SVN this surprisingly works?! Simply enabling the feature and compile the CUDA kernel (sm_21 tested here, on Geforce 540M). As far as I can tell it renders correct with all fallof modes. Have not messured performance yet.”

Confirmed by benchmark tests on BA (win64 test build available) – definitely faster than CPU and seems to have no issues. Magic! It works and we have no idea why! Perhaps Brecht can spread some light on it this Sunday, for now I shall believe the path-tracing gods are at work.

However we can be pretty sure it won’t make it to 2.69, since that’s currently in feature-freeze, bug fixes only. But 2.70 is a good bet!

Auto Tile Size Addon Updated


[Download] [Documentation]

NOTE! An even newer version is available!

Just updated!

  • Removed ‘Set’ button – tile size is now automatically updated when changing target, render size or tile size (to manually change tile size, disable Auto Tile Size)
  • Improved accuracy for small tile sizes (result from 16 wasn’t so different from 32)

Remember to report any bugs and crashes or suggestions! Original post