Staggered Texture Mapping

One useful feature that a lot of other 3d apps have is something called ‘Staggered’ tiling. Instead of just tiling an image normally, it offsets every second row so that it’s not quite as obviously tiled. The left image above is regular tiling, and the right one is staggered.

So as to be a true fanboy, here’s how to acheive the same thing with nodes in Cycles (and can probably apply to BI as well)

A short explaination: Remember that UVs can be manipulated as colours? Once you’re used to that, the possibilities are endless. This node setup takes the red channel (the X axis), rounds it to whole numbers so that there are incrementing solid blocks of colour for every repeated UV space, and then adds that to the green channel (the Y axis) so that it’s offset, staggered.

If you want to stagger it the other way, it’s just a matter of swapping the R and G channels:

Volume Test

volume_spot (1)

A long time ago in a version far far away, an anonymous user named ‘storm’ wrote a patch for volumetric rendering in cycles.

Recently, Thomas and Stuart (them crazy coder guys) made some changes and cleanups to the code – meaning it’s possible to download a patch, compile Blender and render some volumes!

Don’t get too excited just yet though, in it’s current state there’s no way to give it any fancy voxel textures from the smoke simulator or anything – all in due time!


Images courtesy of Thomas Dinges, because I’m too lazy to compile it myself