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Went on another holiday recently, this time to the small town of St Lucia in KwaZulu Natal. A long drive there, but turned out to be a really nice, simple place.
This pano is of the interior of the room we stayed in for a few days. I figured the opposing sources of cold natural light and warm man-made light was rather nice.
Several great beaches there as well, but you’ll see more of that in the next pano ;)
Also, I’m surprised this one turned out so well, it’s quite a small space with lots of straight lines nearby, I was expecting my lack of a pano head to be a real issue when stitching.
Thanks Greg nice idea to take holiday hdri’s wouldn’t mind go there myself one day.
Thanks for sharing, Greg!
Hoping to make use of this one some of my pieces soon.
Cheers! :)
– Reyn
Thank you for it!
How many samples do you used for the render? Mine looks really noisy!
I think it was about 1000, but that’s really overkill. Just remember to turn on MIS ;)
Thank you for the answer!
I may be doing something wrong but with MIS activated (I’ve read your post about it yesterday ;) ) I get a completly different result!
Right now I’m working on my laptop so I’ll post this evening a coulpe of render to show you the differences!
I managed to render it with 100 samples, here is what I get:
With MIS
Without MIS
Here are the link again, hope it works this time:
Well I’d guess that the first image is more accurate, since it actually has some lighting. You just need to turn the intensity down a bit.
Also, for this pano (and most of the ones I’ve made myself) you don’t actually need the multiply node. I believe the only reason that helps for other panos is because whoever took them didn’t make a large enough range of values, and thus the lights were actually clipped, requiring the multiply node that increases the intensity of the brightest parts the most.
Thx, I added it because you suggested in your (old?) post.
Anyway it was set to 1 so it’s strange to me that it has so great impact (shouldnt a number multiply by 1 stay the same?).
Here is the result without it:
Yeah, it is still needed for really badly made hdr panos.
It will be the same yes, but not the same as being completely disconnected (with nothing at all plugged into the intensity), which is how all my recent panos should be used.